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Diggy Stuffies


Dig-ets bodies are made out of special metals and metal fibers. Basic exposed hard metal parts are the rims of the horns, Rims of the legs, Exoskeleton Battery, and tail. But this also depends on the given trait that the Dig-et has. A female Dig-ets is about 5-7ft tall as males are roughly 7-8ft tall, No taller no shorter.


Dig-ets bone structure is made of hard metal material. It's almost unbreakable when against human weaponry but can be easily damaged against other Dig-ets.

Neon Flow

Neon Flow is one of the most important parts of a Dig-et’s body. Plays part as their blood and decorative body glow. Many types of flows from solid colors, gradients, charmed, glitter, mood changing, etc. Neon Flow on a Dig-et is like a long lasting chemical glow stick that they are born with.


When Dig-ets bleed their blood won’t flow like a liquid,  it comes out as a pixel/glitchy drip.


Dig-ets can have up to five powers abilities, but start off with only three. The other two ability slots can be bought through the ability tree in the shop along with special power moves.


Button weapons - A click of their button can summon their metal/hologram weapon for combat. Depending on the number of buttons a Dig-et has will determine how many weapons they can summon. For example, a Dig-et with one button can only summon one weapon. A Dig-et with four buttons can summon up to only for weapons.


Cloaking/Invisibility - They are visible to their own kind but towards humans, they can not be seen. This is used when they are hunting or causing a scene.


Anti-gravity - Though Dig-ets can't fly they are capable to hover and or stick to walls free will. They enjoy becoming spider man.

Exoskeleton Battery

Exoskeleton batteries are an important key part of a Dig-et that keeps them alive. This very thing plays a part as the heart of the body keeps the neon flow pumping through circuits and electricity flowing. A Dig-ets batteries hold up to 6 bars.


On a full charge, they can go without another charge for a good 42hrs. Dig-ets can recharge back at home or at a hotel, sometimes carrying their own portable small charger.


A Dig-et can die multiple ways. Battery 0% drainage, Neon Flow drainage, Exoskeleton removal, Decapitation, or drowning are the main causes of death.


A Dig-et can last 30 minutes on a 0% battery but they'll be extremely dazed and glitchy. Major loss of Neon Flow will leave the Dig-et weak or end up having a hypovolemic shock.


They would need immediate help to a nearby hospital or hotel to recharge their battery or a flow transfusion.

Hungry Demons

Do you know when a website asked you to accept cookies? You're feeding a hidden Dig-et on your electronics! Dig-ets have very active sugar tooth and crave anything sweet or sour to fill their digital stomachs.  Dig-ets diet is just a bunch of sweet goodies and nicely cooked human meat. The majority of Dig-ets food looks neon but there are some basic things out there.


They can not drink real world fluids like water, soda, alcohol, etc. Touching or drinking these types of fluids unprotected leads to glitching.

Frenzie Mode / Shutdown Mode

Frenzie mode typically only happens when a Dig-et is currently hunting in the mortal plane. A frenzied Dig-et turns out to be more demonic looking than their natural form. This typically doesn’t happen to a Dig-et in their own world unless they are feral which is very rare. They will burn more battery energy in this mode and will typically burn out or crash if pushed to their limits.


A Dig-et can go into shutdown mode when they are trying to conserve energy or reach a certain point of embarrassment. This gives them a moment to cool down and try to reset themselves.

Reproduction / Artificial creation

Dig-ets are capable of reproducing on their own. Though they are metallic and flesh, females are able to create a certain material in their body to help form their offspring's bone and spinal structure. Their way of reproduction is similar to a human's procreation, only with minor visual differences, so a description of the process is not necessary, perverts.

Along with the natural way, Dig-ets have found a way to artificially create their own children with the help of a digital womb programmed to process new life. Just by uploading data from both parents, couples are now able to create their own child without the hassle and dangers of pregnancy, along with choosing their traits within their own available gene pool (side effects may very *see.
Baby ref pg for details).

Digets Species




Pro-Pals are basic Dig-ets in the community, considered as program applications. They can be anything they want, and own any business they want. Pro-pals were renamed recently a few years back wanting to stay up to date with the new species of Dig-ets. This being that they are the oldest of their kind. Old but not forgotten as the rest of their kind needs them to help continue building their utopia. Pro-Pals are capable of changing their kind but it comes with pricey upgrades. This is the semi-free roam with what they can do.




Tune-bites are Dig-ets able to produce music on their own, considered musical robots... THAT aren’t really robots. Tune-Bites are practically innocent Dig-ets as their main focus is on entertainment and music. In their utopia, they hold music concert performances at special events. They are capable of changing their voices to any range. Their powers are based on music and vocals. Weapons look similar to instruments.




Fire-Drones are the Firewalls in Dig-ets plain. You can consider them to be part of the law and to keep things in an orderly fashion. They were created in 1987 when the first Anti-Malware was created. Their abilities mainly focus on protecting and blocking Mal-Mites destructive habits toward humans. The Fire-Drones and Mal-Mites don't fairly get along too well due to their differences. But some firewalls believe that they can settle each other's differences peacefully.




Hazardous Dig-ets that corrupt/break human technology at the worst time. Mal-Mites were brought up in the year 1982. These demons can also leak human's personal information if they please. These Dig-ets are the high percentage of human deaths. Mal-Mites and Fire-Drones are not good pals as they have their differences with one another about safety and law. These Dig-ets have power abilities that are destructive to humans.

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